What Should I Put in My Coffee?_peliplat
What Should I Put in My Coffee?_peliplat

What Should I Put in My Coffee? (2020)

None | USA | English | 86 min
Directed by: Jon Lanthier

"What Should I Put in My Coffee?" is the world's first feature-length documentary about coffee creamer. Using this seemingly lighthearted topic as a starting point, the film explores big ideas about dairy and its plant-based alternatives, farming and agriculture, and the role of consumers in our current food system. Proudly produced in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, the film features interviews with a number of corporations and individuals who intersect with coffee, dairy, and dairy alternatives: representatives from Starbucks and Seattle's local coffee scene; dairy farmers across Washington state; Oatly, the oat milk producer; vegan activists, including Lauren Ornelas of the Food Empowerment Project; and many more. The voices of several consumers are also featured, with no single point-of-view taking precedent. Lyrical passages, cheeky asides, and bold tangents take viewers on a free-associative journey through what dairy products mean to us-personally, politically, historically, and even spiritually. Where other documentaries take sides and push agendas, "What Should I Put in My Coffee?" meditates on-and refuses to make up its mind about-one of the most pressing questions of our time: is animal agriculture ethical?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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