Thinking Nietzsche_peliplat
Thinking Nietzsche_peliplat

Thinking Nietzsche (2018)

None | Austria | German, English | 96 min
Directed by: Mersolis Schöne

"THINKING NIETZSCHE" is an essayistic documentary featuring interviews and performances based on Nietzsche's book "Human, All Too Human" which leads the viewer to extraordinary places of thinking. In a Japanese garden in Vienna it becomes clear how "on long, forbidden paths and routes the unseeable in our world will suddenly be seen." Then, in Sils Maria - where Nietzsche formed his thoughts - in the alpine scenery and the Nietzsche-House his texts and positions of the contemporary Nietzsche research connect. Back in Vienna one is encouraged to interpret Nietzsche from a Freudian perspective. And in the art studio it becomes apparent that one can ally oneself artistically with Nietzsche. These European perspectives are supplemented with a performative commentary from New York City.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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