
Apradh (2008)

None | India | Marathi |
Directed by: Bhaskar Jadhav

On a stormy rainy night Prem arrives at a mansion where he is welcomed by a widowed Priya he sees that lot many things have changed in the mansion in last 14 years and Priya is living alone in the huge mansion.Priya was married to Major Chandrashekar (Shekar) who was away most of the time serving for the country and Priya would feel lonely Prem was a common friend between them in absence of Shekar many suspected extra marital affair between Priya and Prem.Prem was soon to get married to Ruby Fernandes but before that Shekar returns from a war and is crippled on wheel chair during this time Priya and Prem would share more of their feelings with each other which also made Shekar and Ruby suspect their relationship.But soon Shekar is poisoned and passes away while Priya is held for his death but Prem confesses to the crime which he did not commit.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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