On the Footsteps of Goethe in Sicily_peliplat
On the Footsteps of Goethe in Sicily_peliplat
Play trailer

On the Footsteps of Goethe in Sicily (2020)

T (IT) | Italy | Italian | 89 min
Directed by: Peter Stein

On April 2nd, 1787, Wolfgang von Goethe arrived in Palermo during a journey that lasted forty days, which he then described in Italian Journey. Peter Stein, a stage and opera director, retraces the footsteps of the German poet, in the company of a film crew. In Sicily, Goethe sought and found classicism, and so does Stein, as he travels to the origins of European culture. After his impressive production of Faust, the high point of Stein's reflections on Goethe, this new journey helps the director compare late-18th-century Sicily to today's, showing unexpected differences and surprising similarities.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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