Bandar Band_peliplat
Bandar Band_peliplat
Play trailer

Bandar Band (2020)

E (AU) | Iran, Germany | Persian | 75 min
Directed by: Manijeh Hekmat

After a long time, some Iranian women singers are going to enter an unofficial competition in a coffee shop in Tehran. Pregnant Mahla along with the other members of Bandar Band, her husband and one of their closest friends, starts her journey to Tehran from a southern province just when they have lost all they had in the flood. They still keep their hopes alive, however every road they take leads to a dead-end in a flood-stricken land. They intend to go to Tehran, but they wonder if it is just another turn around a vicious circle.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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