Brown Sugar Too Bitter for Me 2 - The Oil Dream_peliplat
Brown Sugar Too Bitter for Me 2 - The Oil Dream_peliplat

Brown Sugar Too Bitter for Me 2 - The Oil Dream (2020)

None | 149 min
Directed by: Mahadeo Shivraj

When the sugar industry that had existed for decades came to a grinding halt, the lives of the villagers were cast into limbo as they faced uncertainty and despair. To survive the new reality, many chose unconventional and comic paths to survive while others were resigned to the government's promise of waiting on oil revenue from the new extractive industry. In the midst of all the turmoil of dislocation, a simple villager, privy to inside information on corruption in high places, finds himself embroiled in political intrigue in which his humanity and morality are fatally tested. Brown Sugar Too Bitter For Me 2 - "The Oil Dream" - is a social comedy where raw greed and political power confront the pathos and humanity of the poor.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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