I Got Ur Back: Birthday Boy_peliplat
I Got Ur Back: Birthday Boy_peliplat

I Got Ur Back: Birthday Boy (2015)

None | USA | English | 5 min
Directed by: Brad Maust

Carly Fitzwater, a Japanese-American, throws a birthday party for her American husband Cash, who she is legally separated from, due mostly to the fact that they disagree on children; he wants them, she had a bad experience in her distant past, and does not wish to relive it, when Cash's buddy, Vijay Patel arrives, he brings his new roommate, Hideki Masutani, an exchange student from Japan with him. Carly wastes no time cozying up to Hideki, speaking in a language only they can understand - until she realizes that he is the child that she left behind (for adoption) in Japan. In the end, Cash inadvertently receives the best birthday present any man could ever ask for; a son.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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