U Up? A Comedy of Texts_peliplat
U Up? A Comedy of Texts_peliplat

U Up? A Comedy of Texts (2020)

None | USA | English | 6 min

Ben and Greg are buddies watching a game together when Eliza sends Greg a text message asking the immortal question "U Up?" Greg tries to answer yes and get more information from Eliza about when and where, but her further text messages only confuse him more. Ben tries to help with the use of maps, drawings, schematics, even a magic 8 ball. Finally, before he loses his chance for a hook-up, Greg deciphers Eliza's location and is off. Left alone, Ben is ready to enjoy the end of the game when he gets his own text message.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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