The Message_peliplat
The Message_peliplat

The Message (2020)

None | UK | English | 38 min
Directed by: Catherine Phillips

Cathy receives a phone call from her partner, Ann, that her mother, Mary has died. She catches the next plane back from the US and travels to Ann's childhood home in Golborne Lancashire, UK. As they arrive, they meet Brenda, Mary's neighbour, who is also shocked by the suddenness of Mary's death. Cathy tries to comfort Ann by cooking dinner but Ann feels guilty that she was not at her mother's bedside when she died. That night Mary tries to take Ann with her into death. That night, after seeing her in her coffin at the Undertakers, Cathy contacts Mary to ask if she wants to say something. Mary shows her a series of images that are seemingly meaningless but include Ann's uncle Billy walking out of the forest in a green blanket and a woman in a black suit. Cathy and Ann remember that uncle Billy never got over his mother's death and had been allowed to be gay. They go to visit The White House where Mary and her brothers and sisters were born where Ann's memories of her mother and her troubles are stirred, making them reevaluate their own relationship. When Ann's cousin, Margaret, visits she reveals that Ann's grandmother died in Mary's house exactly where Cathy had seen the images from Mary. Cathy realises that the woman in the black suit is Ann's grandmother, Sarah. They consult the family bible and find that Mary died on her mother's birthday. They understand that Mary was concerned that Ann would be affected by her death like Billy was affected by their mother's death because he was not allowed a partner and wanted Cathy to save her from that.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Best Global Shorts Film Festival)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Message
(Original title)
The Message
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes