Play trailer

Displaced (2020)

None | USA | English | 102 min
Directed by: Josh Atkinson

When Nathan was six, he was rescued from a Satanic ritual abuse cult moments before the compound went up in flames. His mother died in the fire and, knowing nothing of the outside world, Nathan's grandmother, Loretta, raised him in her Brooklyn brownstone. Years of therapy and difficulty adjusting have turned Nathan into a passionate defender of children at the Brooklyn office of Child Protective Services. However, his abuse experiences have also left him terrified of his own sex drive and suspicious of any new person in his life. When his longtime neighbor disappears one night and a pair of oddly familiar midwesterners move in, Nathan begins to see and hear things he can't be sure are real. His old therapist got him to see that his memories of the cult (child sacrifices in the woods, supernatural creatures being summoned) were just his young mind's way of processing the abuse he suffered. But as his experiences grow more and more vivid, Nathan will be led to the truth of who he is and what his role in the cult really was.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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