Kyros Collective_peliplat
Kyros Collective_peliplat

Kyros Collective (2020)

None | USA | English | 13 min
Directed by: Quinton Lowe

The leader of a cult expresses themes of anti-consumerism, anti-society, and artistic expression on a television broadcast while offering a product that will improve people's lives in the form of a poisonous drink. As this broadcast plays in the background, we follow a cult member who breaks into the apartment of a consumer to find him dead after drinking the cult leader's poisonous product. While gathering items to steal representing consumerism, time constraints, and modern escapism, the cult member discovers the hardships and depressing life of this dead customer, bringing about the moral quandary between what seems right and what IS right.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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