Play trailer

Superhost (2021)

MA15+ (AU) | USA | English | 84 min
Directed by: Brandon Christensen

The youtubers Claire and Teddy own the Superhost Vlog, where they review lodgings for their subscribers. Claire is worried since the number of subscribers is dropping in a high rate and she does not want to depend on her parents to pay their bills. When they rent an isolated house in the woods, owned by Lou and Betty that live with their cat, Teddy brings an engagement ring to propose Claire. On the arrival, the security code provided by Lou does not work and there is no signal in their cellphones. Out of the blue, the host Rebecca arrives and tells them that she needed to change the code because of the last host. She also explains that the house belonged to her father, who died, and now belongs to her. She is very happy to meet them and expecting to have positive reviews. Soon they note that Rebecca is a weird woman, and the house has surveillance cameras everywhere. When a window of the house is broken, Claire and Teddy find that the host from one of their previous reviews, Vera, is standing in front of the house. They go there to talk to Vera that accuses them of damaging her business. However, Rebecca arrives and sends Vera away. But soon they find strange things in the house and decide to return home. But Rebecca is waiting for them to show something that she says that is interesting for their channel.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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