A man chases a woman through woods. She hides behind a tree, waiting with a stick. When he is not looking she hits him with the stick, knocking him down. She kicks him twice and runs off. Some blood is seen on her.
One man stabs another in a cottage. The wounded man stumbles outside, bleeding.
A man who has been stabbed approaches a woman. They fall down and she pushes him away. As she gets up, he is seen with partial intestines by him.
A dead woman (shown to have been missing in a flyer) falls to the floor when a closet door is opened.
Two men fight. One shoots the other twice. The wounded man picks up a pitchfork and stabs the other in the neck. Blood is seen.
A woman is stabbed by another woman. She falls down the stairs.
A man pursues a woman. She hits him with a board containing a sharp nail. Blood is seen.
A woman repeatedly stabs a man with the sharp end of a crowbar.