Tonight, the Moonlight Night_peliplat
Tonight, the Moonlight Night_peliplat

Tonight, the Moonlight Night (2008)

None | Iran | Persian |
Directed by: Mohammad Hadi Karimi

Peyman (Daniel Ebadi) is a singer who has been away from his family for many years and lives in Tehran with his wife Sahar (Mahnaz Afshar). He was never satisfied with the situation of his father's family and even changed his real name to Yahya. Despite suffering from an unknown illness, he refuses to go to the doctor despite his wife's insistence. But when her husband gets pregnant, he is tested and found to have cancer. Knowing that he has only a few months left in his life, he starts filming himself in order to convey his message to his future child.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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