Dream Catcher_peliplat
Dream Catcher_peliplat

Dream Catcher (2021)

None | Canada | English | 5 min
Directed by: Christy Marchuk

Sophie's story begins in her bedroom after school. Sophie notices her sister crossing the yard from her window. She takes a dream catcher she has made in art class out of her backpack and wants to show it to her sister. Her sister Kennedy, however, does not notice Sophie's awkward attempt to share her project. She brushes past her without a word and disappears into her own room where Kennedy will lose herself in music and texting with friends. Sophie, dejected, returns to her room, and tapes the dream catcher to her window. She does not notice her father crossing the yard through the window behind her. She hears her father arriving and heads down the stairs. She stops midway and crouches on the stairs unnoticed when she hears her parents begin to argue, triggering Sophie's anxiety. As the argument intensifies, Sophie creeps back up to her room. Sophie is a self-harmer. Coping with her parents constant fighting has led to her pinching herself to the point of bruising. When she feels the pain, she is temporarily able to block out her anxiety and feelings of worthlessness. This day is an especially bad day. As she listens to her parents fight Sophie pinches herself, but this time it is not working. She tries to block out the fighting by hiding in her closet and under her pillow. Kennedy has also heard her parents fighting. Well used to it, Kennedy sits in her dark room listening to music. When she hears a crash coming from her parent's room she turns up the volume in her headphones. When she hears a thud coming from Sophie's room, she gets up to investigate. What will she find?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Dream Catcher
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes