Life Is Ruff_peliplat
Life Is Ruff_peliplat

Life Is Ruff (2020)

None | India | Hindi |
Directed by: Abhash Singh

A dog is a man's best friend, but what happens when the man gets into a relationship with someone who is afraid of dogs? Do you think a relationship can succeed when one of them is a dog lover and the other one is just petrified of dogs? Faizaan and Mitali meet-cute at a park and fall in love almost immediately. Everything is going well, Faizaan even asks Mitali to move in with him. Now, the conflict comes in this happy romantic love story when Buzo, the pet dog starts irking Mitali. Faizaan being the lazy self, isn't very proactive in taking care of the dog. Mitali is annoyed by constantly taking care of Faizaan and Buzo, one day they have a huge fight about these bottled up issues.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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