Eclypses Us_peliplat
Eclypses Us_peliplat

Eclypses Us (2021)

None | Canada | English |
Directed by: Riley J Howard

In the city of Malvora, tensions rise within the governing body. A spatial anomaly is known only as 'The Shift' had begun depleting oxygen at a rapid pace, unbeknownst to its citizens. Working closely with the government and this secret is the Biogenics corporation known as Bios-Alpha. Top secret experimentation takes place behind closed doors, often to unwitting patients. In an attempt to reconfigure the human respiratory system, Bios-Alpha is greeted with one failure after another. -On top of this monumental secret is the scapegoating of a race known as the Vyridia who once lived alongside the people of Malvora. News had been spread around that these beings all possessed murderous intent and immediately became social outcasts in the eyes of their peers. Vyridian beings fell to the weapons of the people of Malvora as they were cast out of regular society. Families lost their homes, children lost their parents, and were often left to fend for themselves if they weren't apprehended by the military police first.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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