Safe in Sound_peliplat
Safe in Sound_peliplat

Safe in Sound (2021)

None | Australia | English | 9 min
Directed by: MJ James

Based on the life of Writer/Director, MJ James and her father David James. Safe in Sound is about a young woman, Isla and her father Roy, whom has early onset dementia. Isla is Roy's full time carer, cooking his meals, dressing him, making him as comfortable as possible, day in and day out. As she slowly watches her father's personality fade away, Isla struggles to hold onto the man that raised her. When Roy has an episode, Isla tries to find a way to calm him down. A picture of Roy in his hey day sparks an idea in Isla. She turns on the home stereo, using music to help sooth Roy. The music has a visible affect on Roy and it starts to calm him. Isla watches on as her father's mood begins to lift, the more he listens, the more she sees glimpses of her dad from when he was healthy. As the music goes on, happy memories of the Younger Isla and Roy together enter through the space. However, just like the memories of those with dementia are short lived, so are Roy's. We are reminded of how brutal the disease is.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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