In Your Shorts!_peliplat
In Your Shorts!_peliplat

In Your Shorts! (2021)

None | Australia | English | 59 min
Directed by: David Black

When there is no more money in Hollywood - indie film makers shall walk the Earth. The year 2020 was not kind to the film industry. Many big productions were put on hold due to lockdowns and quarantine. This did not phase those creatives who were used to working without budgets. Necessity is the mother of invention, and across Australia, a new breed of actors, directors, camera people and various crew showed their indomitable spirit. Over the next 60 minutes, we will unveil to you a candid glimpse into the indie film scene of Australia. On a hot night in January 2021, when restrictions were finally eased, a group of us got together in Melbourne for a networking evening. Ch44 and David Black productions will give you a sneak peek behind the scenes. Many of us specialise in making short films, so we've called this presentation - In Your Shorts.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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