

None | Finland | Finnish, English | 28 min
Directed by: Antti Haase
This title has not premiered yet

THE MASTER BREWER is a magical comeback story about Leo Andelin, who in 1963 developed the most famous food of Finland - Lapin Kulta beer. A boy from a working class family in remote Tornio, Leo grows up to become the humble gentleman of beer, who passionately nurtures his "northern beer flower". Leo's life's work is destroyed in 2010 when the time-honored Tornio brewery is shut down by the global beer giant Heineken. Local returnee Kaj Kostiander flies to the rescue of the old beer Jedi, who passes on his wisdom to the younger man. A record-breaking crowdfunding campaign and hunt for the original beer yeast follows. And, like a real-life fairy tale, a golden reward awaits Leo and Kaj at the end. Uplifting and beautiful, THE MASTER BREWER shows how people living far from the centers of global power can still survive and prosper with ingenuity, perseverance and authenticity.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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