Wake Up Dorothy_peliplat
Wake Up Dorothy_peliplat

Wake Up Dorothy (2021)

None | USA | English | 135 min
Directed by: Jason Michael Morgan, Marshall T. Reyenolds

Wake Up Dorothy is a coming-of-age musical film about Dorothy, an Appalachian artist trying to swing a shot at the art scene. Guided by Farrah, a mother-like mentor, she meets fellow creators Gracie, Stone, and Ari. On their road to success, she encounters the charming, suit-clad Johnny Wolfe, a gallery owner, and Raven, a cunning, rival artist. Dorothy and her friends try for a spot in Wolfe's gallery, but ends don't always justify means - Dorothy is talented, but her impulses can often get the better of her. As tensions rise and the artistic climate shifts, Raven and Dorothy find themselves in a struggle to show their talents.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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