Stacking Cups_peliplat
Stacking Cups_peliplat

Stacking Cups (2021)

None | USA | English | 11 min
Directed by: Brandon Ah Tye

High school best friends Stuart and Bobby reconnect after 5 years when Stuart goes to Bobby's mom's house to get one of the songs that they wrote in their high school band (Stacking Cups) called Clementine. The two get into a major argument over the ownership of Clementine, which leads to Bobby accusing Stuart of being a "sellout" for his abandonment of Stacking Cups to instead be a music producer. The argument continues to get more personal as Stuart airs his grievances about Bobby's alcoholism and abusive relationship with Quinn, Bobby's ex and Stuart's current fiancé. The two get into a fight and end up breaking the symbolic bong that Bobby has held onto since high school, which leads to reconciliation between the two. Stuart reveals that he wants to perform Clementine at his and Quinn's wedding, and Bobby suggests they all play the song together so he can properly apologize to Quinn.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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