Cosas de chicos_peliplat
Cosas de chicos_peliplat

Cosas de chicos (2022)

None | Spain | Spanish | 14 min
Directed by: Raquel Colera

The 90's. Summer begins in a rural town. Marta, a happy and innocent 12-year-old girl, enjoys playing football with her friends, riding a bike and building the same hut every year. Everything in her world is perfect, but Marta is different from the other girls in the village: besides being the leader of her gang of friends, she is the only girl in the group. Although gender has never been an obstacle in their friendship, this is about to change: Loren, a 16-year-old boy, arrives in town and approaches Marta's friends, changing their gaze towards her. Loren has come to stay, and with him puberty and gender roles. Will Marta lose her innocence and accept the rules of her new world?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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