Dossier Ovnis_peliplat
Dossier Ovnis_peliplat

Dossier Ovnis (2022)

Tous publics (FR) | Canada | French | 53 min
Directed by: Aurelien Offner

When their daughter was born, Mélissa Offner and her husband Aurélien Offner decided to leave the capital of British Columbia to settle in a small town on the Sunshine Coast: Gibson. They were far from suspecting that this trip would be the genesis of a TV documentary. Indeed, just after their arrival, Mélissa saw through her window strange lights appear above Keats Island. Out of curiosity, but also to occupy her long nights as a young mother, she began to do research to try to elucidate the mystery linked to her last visions. With DOSSIER OVNIS, Mélissa sets out to meet ufology enthusiasts and scientists from across the country to better understand these inexplicable aerial phenomena. An exceptional journey in search of the truth to be seen on March 19 at 10:30 p.m. EDT as part of Doc humanity on ICI TÉLÉ and available on ICI TOU.TV. For the team behind the documentary, the pandemic has forced Canadians to spend a lot of time at home and thereby facilitated, if not multiplied, the possible opportunities to observe what is happening in the sky. Over the course of her discussions, host Mélissa Offner saw her prejudices against the fanatics of strange aerial demonstrations deconstructed. "I had a lot of compassion for people like Michel, Archivist for Northern Ontario UFO Research and Study. I am very attached to him during the shooting. He had stars in his eyes as he told us about all this. We really felt that he was full of hope that they were saving us from ourselves," says Mélissa Offner. Beyond these scattered locations, which capture the attention of the curious, the host notes that it would now be the governments that are interested in these phenomena. Would this suggest that there is a suspected connection between UFOs and recent discoveries of earlier traces of life in our solar system? Aurélien Offner, director of the documentary, revealed that "even if we very much wish it, the two are not connected to each other". The truth about unidentified aerial phenomena is much more subtle and complex than that. »

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Dossier Ovnis
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes