Dance My Doll_peliplat
Dance My Doll_peliplat

Dance My Doll (2022)

None | Sweden | Swedish, French, Dari | 15 min
Directed by: Jasmijn Kooijman

A story that revolves around the right to asylum. With humor and great recognition, the dolls that represent the people who influence - and those who are affected - by Swedish migration policy are brought to life. In Jasmijn Kooijman's hybrid film, we meet undocumented people, asylum rights activists and administrators at the Swedish Migration Board. The small everyday moments, from when life goes on as usual, are depicted between the big and life-changing decisions that are made over the head of the main character Ali, who for years has tried to get permission to stay in Sweden. The criticism of the social structures that make the uncertainty so great for the asylum seekers can not be missed, and in the midst of the worst, the film also manages to be funny.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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