Terrorist Pirates of Southeast Asia_peliplat
Terrorist Pirates of Southeast Asia_peliplat

Terrorist Pirates of Southeast Asia (2020)

None | USA | English, Indonesian |
Directed by: Rizky Rahadianto, Jonathan Vit

Indonesian fishermen, lured by higher paychecks and steady work, are leaving poorer fishing villages for Malaysia, and are sailing right into the jaws of Abu Sayyaf, a feared terrorist group. The organization earns millions of USD annually from kidnapping ransoms and Indonesian fishermen are the latest target. VICE meets Subandi, a fisherman from South Sulawesi, who spent 20 months in captivity after being taken off the coast of Sabah, Malaysia. What draws these fishermen into such dangerous waters? And will the kidnappings stop? VICE investigates.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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