I Need You Baby_peliplat
I Need You Baby_peliplat

I Need You Baby (2022)

PG13 (SG) | Indonesia | Indonesian | 81 min
Directed by: Cuk Fk

Cathy and Beno have been married for five years and are not pregnant yet. Cathy's parents, who live in Australia, threaten that Cathy would be asked to divorce Beno if she isn't pregnant next year. Cathy then pretends to be pregnant. Her parents are happy and want to come to Jakarta to see Cathy until the baby is born. Cathy lies again: her baby is born earlier than normal. Cathy and Beno are busy looking for a baby to rent. They meet Juwi, their neighbour, who works as a babysitter. Juwi rents out the baby without her employer's knowledge. Cathy's parents finally arrive in Jakarta. Many events are out of control.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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