Reaching Blue: Finding Hope Beneath the Surface_peliplat
Reaching Blue: Finding Hope Beneath the Surface_peliplat

Reaching Blue: Finding Hope Beneath the Surface (2014)

None | Canada | English |
Directed by: Ian Hinkle, Andy Robertson

With visuals ranging from a deep-sea submarine to never-before seen footage of John Steinbeck's research vessel The Western Flyer, Reaching Blue: Hope Beneath the Surface exposes changes in our ocean waters and some of the people who are facing them head on. A writer, an oyster farmer, and a marine scientist witness striking climate change impacting our coastal communities. This is the story of an interconnected coastal way of life under threat, where hope is found in stories of our past while facing the challenges of the future. Do we have the knowledge and technology required to understand ocean change before time runs out?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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