Jag är inte beredd att dö än_peliplat
Jag är inte beredd att dö än_peliplat
Play trailer

Jag är inte beredd att dö än (2014)

15 (SE) | Sweden | Swedish | 75 min
Directed by: Fredrik Egerstrand, Kalle Gustafsson Jerneholm

As a little girl, Laleh dressed out as a princess, waiting for the saving prince. Her mother said - No Laleh, it is you who is the prince, you'll save yourself. Laleh is one of few who is both a songwriter, producer and performer. Her parents had lived underground for three years in Iran when their daughter Laleh was born. They went into exile and exodus took the family through the Soviet Union and Germany, to Sweden. A story about life and courage, about music and dedication. About the gift she received from her parents and the responsibility to take care of her freedom.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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