Gazelle: The Love Issue_peliplat
Gazelle: The Love Issue_peliplat
Play trailer

Gazelle: The Love Issue (2014)

None | Brazil, French Polynesia, USA, France, Italy, Spain | English | 94 min
Directed by: Cesar Terranova

Paulo is a 45-year-old Brazilian flight attendant. He is internationally famous in the after-hours world for the fabulous persona he has worked tirelessly to create, his artistic alter-ego, Gazelle. Paulo is HIV+ but never got sick before and now he sees his own life is in danger for the first time. With the sudden and tragic sad death of Eric, his partner of seven years, Paulo must pass through a life transformation. Looking to survive, he embarks on a conscious transformation, beginning with filtering what matters in his life. On his path, besides the new lover, he finds collaborators that push him forward in life and show more meanings for the word Love.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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