Wir waren kameraden: Das ende_peliplat
Wir waren kameraden: Das ende_peliplat

Wir waren kameraden: Das ende (2017)

15 (KR) | Germany | German | 97 min
Directed by: Heintje Peter

Based on the true story of a Wehrmacht Soldier on the Eastern Front, director Heintje Peter draws Hellmut Böttger's (born in 1923) fatal moments during the last year of World War II. Böttger volunteered to enlist in the Wehrmacht in 1942. On his return from home leave in June 1944, he experiences the major Russian offensive, his injury in battle and the retreat. After the unconditional surrender on the 9th of May 1945, he and his unit fall into American captivity. He is sent to one of the Rheinwiesen camps with his friend Heinrich. The film tells the story of a simple soldier. It tells of battles and beliefs, but also of comradeship, friendship and respect.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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