The Strangler Dossiers_peliplat
The Strangler Dossiers_peliplat

The Strangler Dossiers (2009)

None | South Africa |
Directed by: Meggan Raubenheimer

Cape Town, South Africa, 1994. Police and army sift through the sand of the Mitchells Plain dunes for the bodies of missing children. For the past eight years children have been disappearing from their homes on the Cape flats. The first body was found in 1986. Eight years later eleven bodies were discovered bringing to 22 the number of young boys found sodomised and strangled to death. The serial killer, dubbed the Station Strangler, lured most his victims from train stations and game arcades to their deaths. Police swooped on schoolteacher, Normal Asval Simons. A quiet, unassuming and seemingly upstanding member of the community. He was convicted of killing only the last victim, nine year old Elroy van Rooyen. Eleven years into his sentence, Simons awaits the outcome of an inquest into the deaths of two more young boys. He still maintains his innocence.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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