The Cat from Outer Space
Wrong Turn
Culpa Tuya
Iron Fist
Beauty in Black
The Big Sick
Love Happens
Alex & Emma
An Unexpected Love
From Dusk Till Dawn
Virgelia Villegas
Stars (in credits order)
Eriko Lee Katayama
Self - Korea - Winner Miss Asia USA 2014
Aakshi Sharma Walia
Self - India - Winner Mrs. Asia USA 2014
Akhila Kethereddy
Self - India - 1st Runner-up
Christy Cho
Self - Korea - 2nd Runner-up
Van Pham
Self - Vietnam - 3rd Runner-up
Anna Varopaeva
Self - Turkmenistan - 4th Runner-up
Rima Sapien
Self - Iran - First Runner Up
Shanna May
Self - Kazakstan - 2nd Runner-up
Hanna Riharjo
Self - Indonesia - 3rd Runner-up
Lisa Shi
Self - China - 4th Runner-up
Nicolene Limsnukan
Self - Winner Miss Teen Asia USA
Chachaa Tiptara
Self - Winner Mrs. Asia USA California
Elma Fonacier Bidkorpeh
Self - Special Award Congeniality
Tony Cabrera
Self - Co-Host
Lawrence Davis
Self - Media
Ryan Doan
Self - Judge
Esteban Steven Escobar
Self - Pageant Publicist
Daisy Gomez
Sueko Hashimoto
Jarvee Hutcherson
Self - City of Los Angeles Awards Presenter
Georgina Jarrah
Thushari Jayasekera
Self - Special Guest
Christine Kan
Samira Kazemeni
Huy Khiem
Jacqueline Kim
Nicole Kim
Alex Leon
Self - Assistant Publicist
Francois Palais
Self - Still Photographer
Sabrina Parisi
Daniele Pereira
Self - Red Carpet Escort
Christine Rogers
Self - Photojournalist
Cora Soriano
Self - Special Award Community Service Award Of Excellence
Joey Valdez
Self - Red Carpet Host
Nary Vin
Self - Special Award Miss Friendship
Kimberly Vogan
Kin Vong
Self - Photographer