The Oyster_peliplat
The Oyster_peliplat

The Oyster (2015)

None | Australia | English | 14 min
Directed by: Jaydn Gosselin

The night of a great storm, an old man washes up on the sharp and muddy shores of an isolated oyster farm. The sole oyster farmer, Mark, takes the old man into his home. Clenched in the old mans hands, Mark finds an oyster and a pearl hidden within. The old man seems to heal, bringing life to the farm and filling every oyster he touches with a brilliant pearl. Mark becomes convinced that the old man was sent from God to cure his terminal cancer. Imprisoning the old man in a shed, Mark attempts to force his remarkable powers with violent and terrible consequences. Contains Violence and Strong Themes.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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