The Boers at the End of the World_peliplat
The Boers at the End of the World_peliplat
Play trailer

The Boers at the End of the World (2015)

None | South Africa, Argentina | Afrikaans, Spanish | 85 min
Directed by: Richard Finn Gregory

In a remote stretch of Patagonia, Argentina, there is a family - the Dickasons - who speak a language from a country 7,000km to the east. They are part of a 114-year-old Afrikaans Boer community - South Africans of Dutch descent who sailed across the ocean to South America after the destruction of a war with the British. Today, less than 50 still speak the language and they struggle to keep their culture alive. Patriarch "Ty" Dickason, 82, is a cowboy who has never flown in a plane - and yet he yearns to one day visit the country of his blood before he and his compatriots pass away. This multiple SAFTA award-winning documentary is a portrait of the last days of the community - a parallel world where Afrikaans was never linked to Apartheid - and one family's journey to reconnect with South Africa.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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