Evil Bread_peliplat
Evil Bread_peliplat

Evil Bread (2013)

15 (GB) | UK | English | 97 min
Directed by: Andy Ward

Life is simple for Andy and Dave. They spend much of their lives watching horror films, and when their college media course demands that they actually contribute, they create horror films. Their cast: Barbie and Ken dolls. Unfortunately the Media Teacher, Mr. Taylor, is not impressed, and imposes an ultimatum; a short film with real actors, or the job centre. After a last minute stop at the college Drama department, Andy and Dave acquire a cast of actors that no one else wanted, and set off for an abandoned bungalow. Their hearts full of dreams. Their heads empty of ideas. However, at the small and unassuming bungalow, all is not as it seems. An ancient evil dormant for millennia is awakening, and hungers for the souls of the living. For Andy and Dave, one question remains: will this film be the death of them?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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