Play trailer

Downtown (2015)

UA (IN) | India | Indian Sign Language | 120 min
Directed by: Andaleeb Sultanpuri

Sahil Oberoi (Played by Akhil Rajendra), the only son of a self-made billionaire and single parent Rajdeep Oberoi (Played by Vinod Khanna), has always seen wealth around him, has lost softness understanding of rational life somewhere. One day father Rajdeep being out of town for business trip, receives a call that his trustworthy employee and best friend since his struggling days Mr. Zaidi (Played by Yusuf Khan)has been hospitalized, needs immediate financial assistance. Father calls Sahil to reach Mr Zaidi's for the help, but Sahil takes this as secondary and kept with busy with his party life, celebrating his girlfriend Soniya' s (Played by Erina D. Shevchuk) birthday. Sahil's callous attitude toward people upsets his father; a confrontation takes place. Father realizes his son's attitude, which saddens him that his son has turned out to be fully materialistic. Father challenges son that if he thinks money can solve everything, and then go and stay on the streets of Mumbai for just 24 hours, to survive without his father's name, identity, credit cards and cash. If he succeeds then he would readily accept/give anything. Sahil accepts the challenge saying that it would be a like a cake walk, because 24 hours for him would just pass like a blink of an eye, leaving behind all his belongings, Sahil leaves house. Coming out of the house for the first time on foot is an unusual experience for him and soon he finds out that being on the street with no cash in hand and having nothing to do, even a minute looks like an hour. Being pushed around in the city crowd he bumps into Anushka (Played by Smlie Suri) who has come to take part in TV reality show and on her arrival she loses her backpack, and has to make her way to the studio taking people's help. Being a cheerful girl (She is all that Sahil isn't) She immediately strikes a chord with him. Sahil is amazed by Anushka's simplicity and her candidness and a positive attitude towards life. He goes along with her to the show where she is unfairly thrown out of the show due to some ego problems between the judges. Eventually she too lands up with him with nothing to do till next morning, waiting for her train. From here begins a journey of two different strangers coming together in inimitable style of seeing life, sometimes humorous sometimes emotional and inevitably they both fall for each other culminating in a super charge emotional climax.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes