Four Pillars of Basement_peliplat
Four Pillars of Basement_peliplat

Four Pillars of Basement (2015)

A (IN) | India | Hindi | 134 min
Directed by: Giresh Naik

Four Pillars of Basement is a psycho thriller that shows human fragilities and capricious nature. Protagonist Samir is a conniving person and works as a security officer at the mall. He has a crush on Priya, working in one of the offices in the mall. His twin brother, a lunatic and a mad person elopes to the mental hospital to add more confusion to the plot. The movie unfolds dramatically as the heroine is trapped in the basement and is unable to get out. Whosoever comes to help her, meets with a tragic death. In the climax, will the hero of the movie- as the twin lunatic be held responsible? Will the security officer be punished?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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