Beneath the Leaves_peliplat
Beneath the Leaves_peliplat
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Beneath the Leaves (2019)

TV-MA (US) | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Adam Marino

Four small-town boys are kidnapped by James Whitley, a warm-eyed psychopath. His grotesque pursuit to reunite orphaned children with their deceased birth parents is halted when the boys escape and he is arrested. Fifteen years later Whitley flees during a prison fire and sets out to see his mission through. Detective Larson, a former victim of Whitley's, is removed from the case because of impartiality, so his partner--and lover--Detective Shotwell must solve it alone. Fueled by rage and a chance of redemption, Detective Larson chases the steadfast psychopath on his own, only to fall back into the same trap he had escaped as a child.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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