Lloyd Kaufman
James Atkins
Dustin Austen
Christopher Henry Axworthy
Brandon Bassham
Gary Baxter
James Cullen Bressack
Dan Brownlie
Laume Conroy
Mj Dixon
Andy Edwards
Caleb Emerson
Alexander Emmert
Donald Farmer
Jason Figgis
Scarlet Fry
Kapel Furman
Chris Gierowski
Peter Goddard
Jason Impey
Izzy Lee
Evan Makrogiannis
Tony Masiello
Nicole McClure
Antoni McVay
Tony Newton
Robert Peacock
Tommy Pistol
Nick Principe
Ruben Rodriguez
Shane Ryan-Reid
Todd Sheets
Emir Skalonja
Justin W. Smith
Martin Sonntag
Robert Tinnell
Jim Towns
Brian Weaver
Paul Wennersberg-Løvholen
Reyna Young
Stars (in credits order)
P.J. Soles
Dr. Ramone (segment "Arbor Day")
Dr. Wu (segment: "Hamburger! The Rapist?"
Shawn C. Phillips
Shawn (segment "Deathrealm")
(segment "Arbor Day")
Nathan Head
Nathan (segment "Deathrealm")
Jessica Ann Brownlie
The Ugly Duckling (segment "The Ugly Duckling")
The Gardener (segment "The Gardener")
Sadie Katz
Allie (segment "Arbor Day")
Nicola Fiore
(segment "Stripper Ripper")
Bryan Hanna
Rami Hilmi
Eli (segment "Impotent Killer")
Melissa Hollett
Melissa (segment "Deathrealm")
Max Wasa
Sonya Moonshadow (segment "The Wendigo")
Woods walker
Peanutch (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Dean Sills
Amos (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
Sarah Nichael
Josie La Femme (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Rebecca Gruss
Aurora (Segment: Grave of the Gods)
Charlie Freak (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Shaun Diston
Black Maniac (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Reynard Alli
Street Extra #1 (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Jeanette Aulet
Girl Victim (segment "The Stripper Ripper")
Heather Bagby
Panicked Picknicker (segment "Dr. Suess's There's a Wocket in My Pocket")
Aidan T.K. Baker
Card Player #2 (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Jason Baker
Professor Cruz (Segment: Grave of the Gods)
Jody Barton
Andrew (segment "Dr. Suess's There's a Wocket in My Pocket")
Attic Jew #2 (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Mark Bastardson
Clean Willie (segment "Hamburger! The Rapist?")
Yasmin Benoit
Cult Girl (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
Moray Binfield
Jack The Ripper
Marc Blaidd
Victim Number 6 (segment "Forward Slash")
Travis Booth-Millard
Blade Braxton
Jackie Bressack
Mary (segment "Dr. Suess's There's a Wocket in My Pocket")
Kaylee Brown
Cassandra (segment "Arbor Day")
Rodrigo Bustamante
The Bouncer (segment "The Stripper Ripper")
Sophia Cacciola
Post-Apocalyptic Lady Cowboy (segment "John Smith")
Shaun Callaghan
The Outlaw (segment "John Smith")
Nestor Campos Jr.
Vampire (segment "Uno")
Tara Carlton
Sally (segment "The Gardener")
Richard Chandler
Edmond Chapple
Becky Chicoine
Babysitter #2 (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Merritt Evelyn Christensen
Attic Jew #3 (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Dana Clinkman
Big Boss's Daughter (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
John Clyne
Patron2 (segment "The Stripper Ripper")
Anna Cmolik
College Student 2 (segment "Narc Force")
James J. Coker
Hannah Coley
Lucy (segment "The Power Tool Rapist")
Lewis Cooper
Cyber Prankster
Simon Craig
Sam (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
John Crosthwaite
Vincent Cusimano
Chino (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Sara Rose Dickson
Charlotte (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
Glenneth Digard
Mark Bastardson (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Sophia Disgrace
Queen of Hearts (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
Anna Dixon
Dr. Pillburgh
Lily Du
Japanese Nazi (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Chris Dubey
Thug (segment 'Make Them Pay')
Ryan Duff
Naked POW (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Tarik Ellinger
Alex (segment "Dr. Suess's There's a Wocket in My Pocket")
Terence Elliott
Rapist (segment "The Power Tool Rapist")
Dr. Alan Whitford (segment "The Wendigo")
Michael J. Epstein
Bad Guy #1 (segment "John Smith")
Deidre Ann Estrada
The White Rabbit (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
JD Fairman
Henry (segment "Dr. Suess's There's a Wocket in My Pocket")
Jim Falkenstein
Sheriff Cotton (segment "Arbor Day")
Tatiana Fernandez
Quinn Formel
Card Player #3 (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Fiona Fox
Jane (segment "The Power Tool Rapist")
Patrick Foy
Smack Dealer (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Richard Fysh
The Prankster
Chaulky White (segment "Narc Force")
Kelley Gierowski
College Student 1
Michael Gingold
Richard Gizzi
Kung-Fu (segment "Narc Force")
Holly Go Darkly
Holly Go Darkly (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Bam Goodall
Hood Punk 2
Roger Gray
The Exec Producer (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
Steve Greenfield
Mike Static (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
Maria Grozova
Kevin Hallett
Billy (segment "The Power Tool Rapist")
Luke John Harrison
Handsome Will (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
David C. Hayes
(segment "The Gardener") (voice)
Mel Heflin
The Playgirl (segment "The Stripper Ripper")
Christopher Bryce Henderson
Arthur Jones (segment "Narc Force")
Mike Hoerner
Druggie (segment "Narc Force")
Laurence Holloway
Danny (segment "The Gardener")
Al Holm
Attic Jew #1
Julie Hoult
Isabella (segment "Isabella")
Nadja Hoyer-Booth
Sandra (segment "Dr. Suess's There's a Wocket in My Pocket")
Sara Hughes
Girl (segment "Zombeez")
Peter Izzo
Mr. Butler (segment "The Gardener")
Tammy Jean
Corinne (segment: The Wendigo)
Christopher M. Jimenez
Eric Saint John
Narrator (segment "Dr. Suess's There's a Wocket in My Pocket") (voice)
Sarah M. Josselyn
Demetri Kallas
The Boss (segment "The Stripper Ripper")
Sonia Kantak
John Karyus
Daddy G (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Kookie Katana
Mary (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
Jay Kay
Pool Player (segment "The Stripper Ripper")
Samantha Keller
Sally (segment "Impotent Killer")
Alan Rowe Kelly
The Nightclub Madame (segment "The Stripper Ripper")
Sally Louise Keys
Claire (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
Sam Klemmer
Hitler (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Lindsey Koens
The Squidsquatch (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Benjamin Korman
Peter (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Matt Larson
Loc Le
Damian Forest Light
Michael Lovett
Mob member (segment "Slaypril Fools Day Part V The Last Laugh")
Liam Makrogiannis
Patron3 (segment "The Stripper Ripper")
Louie g Maldonado
Horde Zombie (segment "Durville Sweet & The Lost Temple of Ass Pirates")
Eric Allen Malone
rapey cowboy (segment "Johnnyhawk)
Maggie Maraschino
Mark Marcarian
Karl (segment: The Wendigo)
William Marshall
Kevin (segment "Slaypril Fools Day Part V: The Last Laugh")
Sandi Martini
Male Victim (segment "Cannibal Vampire Call-Girl Hookers From Outer Space Part 3")
Brandy Mason
Sarah (segment "Deathrealm")
Christian Masters
The Sheriff (segment "John Smith")
Gary Matthew
Matt McLeod
Dennis (segment "Arbor Day")
Dina Melograna
Maddy (segment: The Wendigo)
Smokey Miles
Monsieur Pee Pee Fontaine (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Adler Morgan
Lawrence Neale
Dexter (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
Amber Nelson
The Baroness (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Kerry Newton
Victim (segment "Deathrealm")
Mask Face (segment "Deathrealm")
Laura Noir
Alice (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
Joe O'Connor
The Narrator (segment "Slaypril Fools Day Part V The Last Laugh")
Melissa O'Donnell
Brianna (segment: The Wendigo)
Mystic O'Reilly
Mystic O'Reilly (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Essa O'Shea
Peggy (Segment "Demon Footsuckers From Hell")
Richard Ochampaugh
Otter Von Beefhoven (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
Jimmy Olea
Uno (segment "Uno")
Karen Oughton
Dr. Franknfurter (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
Natalie Anne Pagano
Liz Hastings (segment: The Wendigo)
Chuck Pappas
Klyde (segment "Dr. Suess's There's a Wocket in My Pocket")
James Parr
Kevin (segment "The Power Tool Rapist")
Bastian Brinch Pedersen
Victim (Segment "A Chronicle of Violence")
Chris Perry
Jordan Petrou
Sally (segment "The Power Tool Rapist")
Leif Phelps
Zombie (segment "Zombeez")
Rupert Phelps
Corpse (segment "Zombeez")
Krystal Pohaku
Sword Swallowing Clown (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Steve Pollard
Jethro (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
Bianca Pratt
Ashley Quon
Heather (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
Pierre Reddick
Sam Reece
Babysitter #1
Lorena Ochoa Reyes
Miss Picante Surprise (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Paris Rivers
Krista Robelle
Chelsea (segment: The Wendigo)
Mathew Roper
Phil (segment "The Gardener")
Amelia Rose
The Girl (segment "The Girl Who Once Drank Blood")
Amy Rosefield
Juliet Saligia
Natasha Sawhney
Khaled Sayed
Street Extra #2 (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Tom Schmitt
James (segment: The Wendigo)
Mark Schriefer
CPU (segment "Narc Force")
Carrie Seidler
Hooker (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Ivan Sheppard
(segment "Ugly Duckling") (voice)
Mandy Simpson
Ingrid (Segment: Grave of the Gods)
Izabella Skrzyszewska-Gray
The Nurse (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
Georgie Smibert
Meredith Mayweather segment "Slaypril Fools Day Part V The Last Laugh")
Ian Francis Smith
Mike Snoonian
Bad Guy #2 (segment "John Smith")
Killer (Segment "A Chronicle of Violence")
Michael Sonye
Hamburger (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Todd Staruch
The Bartender (segment "The Stripper Ripper")
April Storm
Darlene Stoudt
Montage Victim (segment "The Gardener")
Juliette Strange
Summer (segment "Last Cabin in the Woods...of Death!")
Ivy Subler
Nadie (segment: The Wendigo)
Billy Bob Thompson
Voice Over
Chris Thompson
Kid Being Sold Smack (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Dani Thompson
The Producer (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
Darren Travers
Terence Lee Hall (segment "The Wandering")
Mercury Troy
Mercury Troy (segment Hamburger! The Rapist?)
Demetri Turin
Dr. Cornelius Crimson (segment "Alice in the Ultrabeyond")
Romilly Turner
Narrator (segment "Zombeez")
Emilia Ufir
Betsy (segment "Impotent Killer")
Eleanor Umbra
Bligh Voth
Eva Braun (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Nara Walker
Doug Waugh
Ben Webb
Benjamin Webb
Carl (Segment "Demon Footsuckers From Hell")
Karin Webb
John Smith (segment "John Smith")
Rob Webber
Big Boss (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Mandy Woodward
Sheila (segment "Arbor Day")
Mark Yancey
Bruno (Segment: Grave of the Gods)
Melissa Yancey
Lena (Segment: Grave of the Gods)
Eric Yearwood
Card Player #1 (segment "The Annum Triple Feature")
Luna (Segment "Uno")
J. Zocalo
Narrator (segment "John Smith") (voice)