Too Young to Die! Wakakushite shinu_peliplat
Too Young to Die! Wakakushite shinu_peliplat
Play trailer

Too Young to Die! Wakakushite shinu (2016)

12 (KR) | Japan | Japanese | 125 min
Directed by: Kankurô Kudô

Supernatural comedy about an unlucky high school student who dies in a bus crash during a school trip only to be press-ganged into a demonic rock band in Hell. Daisuke (Ryunosuke Kamiki) wants to confess his crush to his would-be girlfriend Hiromi (Aoi Morikawa), only to die unexpectedly and find himself in Hell. There Daisuke encounters the flamboyant Killer K (Tomoya Nagase), the lead guitar and vocalist of the infernal rock band known as Hells, and together they embark on a hard-rocking tour of the Afterlife in an attempt to get Daisuke back to the Land of the Living and the girl he loves.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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