A Briga do Cachorro com a Onça_peliplat
A Briga do Cachorro com a Onça_peliplat

A Briga do Cachorro com a Onça (2014)

None | Brazil | Portuguese | 58 min
Directed by: Hidalgo Romero

Exodus. From 1950 to 1980 millions of people from the north eastern region of Brazil migrated to the south eastern states looking for better life conditions. They are sons and daughters of the drought, hunger, and misery. As baggage, they brought children, food, stories and musical styles. The fight of the dog with the jaguar is a Brazilian folk song, played in different versions by Fife bands throughout the country. This is a cinematic version of such music, a free adaptation of the played history. At the same time, it portraits a poetic and contemporary perspective on such migratory flow.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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