Original Stereotype_peliplat
Original Stereotype_peliplat

Original Stereotype (2014)

None | USA | English | 93 min
Directed by: Andrew J. Mosely

Guerilla styled film that deals with eccentric characters and crime oriented stories over a weekend in Los Angeles. A experienced hustler Mellow Yellow is apprehended by his brother Maverick who he conned in a previous stint in Kansas City and is forced to set up a deal where he is able to get a group that Maverick is after - the Gypsies from New Jersey. With the deal set up the Gypsies make their way to Los Angeles only to evade authorities and from this point one of the Gypsies, Gordon, gets incarcerated, soon released, and meets up with a old New Jersey friend, Dmitri. With less than 24 hours before he is set to go back to Jersey Gordon and Dmitri spend time together until a blood bath ensues with Dmitri and gang rivals. Gordon departs Los Angeles back to Jersey.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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