The Documentary Film Battle Brotherhood_peliplat
The Documentary Film Battle Brotherhood_peliplat

The Documentary Film Battle Brotherhood (2015)

None | Russia | English |
Directed by: Iskander Galiev

The movie tells the story of veterans, both American and Russian, who passed the hardest test of life. Russia and the United States relations are going through a bad stretch now as politics, economic issues and ideology have been tied together in a knot. But human relationships and friendship are something that a government cannot ban. In spite of the Cold War and the events in Ukraine, the veterans who know the value of life and death have shown to everyone how to overcome hardships and pain, and start doing good deeds. What these short-spoken people are doing on their own initiative and the call of their heart is the real people's diplomacy at work. This might be the only way to break the political deadlock that is paving the way for humanity to World War III. 'The soldiers of one superpower and the soldiers of the other superpower: each of them executes orders and serves their motherland, but we all live on the same planet, we are all people and brothers - these are the key ideas behind the concept of the Battle Brotherhood. The Brotherhood without borders.'

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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