Turbulencia Zombi_peliplat
Turbulencia Zombi_peliplat

Turbulencia Zombi (2019)

16 (ES) | Spain | Spanish | 84 min
Directed by: Martín Garrido Ramis

Summer comes in a small Town of Mallorca, closes The school and most of its Inhabitants are leaving holidays. The village is falling Almost empty and the heat is terrible. With this environment, Luis, the Custodian of the school, gives Read a script about zombies, That he himself wrote, to Juanito, a forty-year-old bachelor who can not find his place in society. He is without work or future, and lives with his mother, who keeps the house with a Small pension of six hundred euros. This picture is presented in the Alfredo, the lost brother of Juanito, who fled from thugs who They want to settle accounts with him. When the brothers are reunited, Juanito Proposes to Alfredo to make a film about zombies for Youtube and leave the Poverty in which they are. Alfredo accepts so as not to return to the Town and begins, with his brother, to involve people from the village to shoot the movie. But to produce the film money is needed, and Juanito asks his mother, Dona Francisca, the three thousand euros she has saved for her burial. By Alfredo also asks for money from a young military man who wants to do A pornographic film It asks you to partner with them to do the Zombie movie The inhabitants of the village who have not gone summer, Bored of the hot summer, they will climb to the car and begin to mount a Which will revolutionize the people. And when there are few days left to begin The shooting, something will happen that will change everything.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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