Gestohlene Jugend_peliplat
Gestohlene Jugend_peliplat

Gestohlene Jugend (2008)

Unrated (DE) | Germany | German | 55 min
Directed by: Tim Luna, Iris Berghoefer

Security chief Reinhard Heydrich calls for special camps for neglected children and young people in December 1939. In early 1940, the Reich Criminal Police Office in Berlin began building youth protection camps for the police. Youth welfare offices, police, SS, Hitler Youth and the Gestapo were able to arrest young people and children who did not fit the Nazi image and intern them in the so-called youth protection camps without a court order. This happened in Germany, but also in the occupied territories. From 1941, the youth concentration camps were experimental fields for Nazi racial policy. Under the direction of Dr. Robert Ritter, so-called criminal biologists tried their thesis that criminality and "anti-sociality" are hereditary. The film lets former inmates of the youth concentration camps Moringen (for boys) and Uckermark (Ravensbrück, for girls) tell how they were arrested from one day to the next as young people and tries to follow their individual fates in the camps.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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