Don Juan és a kövendég_peliplat
Don Juan és a kövendég_peliplat

Don Juan és a kövendég (1978)

None | Hungary | Hungarian | 6 min
Directed by: András Rajnai

Don Juan Tenorio was chasing the quantity in his whole life. When he finds himself at the porch of Hell, it was told him he seduced 1003 ladies in his past. When the question - perhaps to be eased - was asked if he felt guilty, responded: "The world has no laws. You can't punish me for what's fleeting in life", replied the gate guard. His victims were summoned because even they were thrilled with his response. The guard, through the veil of the past, called out his victims to confront him.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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