Dream Lock_peliplat
Dream Lock_peliplat

Dream Lock (2024)

None | India | Hindi | 100 min
Directed by: Vishal Raaj

A middle aged man Rohan Roy is a Doctor, not happy in his married life embarks on an extra marital affair with his neighbor Jennifer. He soon realizes his mistake and tries to get rid of the girl, but she seems nowhere to compromise and gets psychotic about Rohan. After a few days Jennifer disappears without a trace and Rohan dreams that he kills Jennifer, when he wakes up; he discovers blood stains on his cloths and suspects it was real. A day later Rohan finds Jennifer's dead body in his car. Rohan seeks the help of his friend Vijay, a detective, to solve the puzzling mystery of Jennifer's death and Rohan's dreams. As Vijay unravels the mystery, dangerous new truths come to light.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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