Our Island, Our Dreams_peliplat
Our Island, Our Dreams_peliplat

Our Island, Our Dreams (2009)

None | Taiwan | Mandarin |
Directed by: Peter Tang

On the small island of Kinmen, a girl and two boys who have grown up together, hang around every day and pretend that they are only friends, until one day a soldier from Taiwan courts the girl with full strength. The soldier's passion brings back the memory of the girl's older sister, who once worked at a pool-ball club and was the dream girl of every soldier in the island. She fell in love with an officer but their relationship ended with a misunderstanding. Shot in Kinmen, a small island near mainland China and under Taiwan's control, the film tells stories of soldiers stationed in the island in the 1970s who were forbidden to date local girls.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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