Panteon Woods_peliplat
Panteon Woods_peliplat
Play trailer

Panteon Woods (2015)

None | USA | English | 68 min
Directed by: Michael Ramova

Riley Rey feeds her interest in cryptozoology with a steady stream of video uploads and the help of her older sister, Rebecca, who plans to be the next hit cinematographer. With a YouTube channel featuring the usual ghost hauntings and UFO videos, Riley decides it's time to up the ante. In an effort to increase viewership, the two sisters hire the help of Greg, a seasoned tracker with a murky past. He guides the girls on an adventure to investigate Chanoc, a small town legend. Through adversity and conflict, they discover the secrets of the Panteon Woods, but never return.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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